
Brother ADS-1300, USB 3.0, 1200x1200 dpi, ADF for 20 Blatt, 25ppm Farbe

Brother ADS-1300, USB 3.0, 1200x1200 dpiADF for 20 Blatt, 25ppm FarbeBrother Dokumentenscanner ADS-1..


Brother ADS-1800W, USB 3.0, 1200x1200 dpi, ADF for 20 Blatt, 25ppm Farbe

Brother ADS-1800W, USB 3.0, 1200x1200 dpiADF for 20 Blatt, 25ppm FarbeBrother Dokumentenscanner ADS-..


Brother ADS-4100, USB, ADF for 60 Blatt,  1200x1200 dpi

Thanks to its compact dimensions, high scanning speed and 60-sheet document feeder, the ADS-4100 is ..


Brother ADS-4700W, USB,WLAN, LAN, ADF for 80 Blatt, 1200x1200 dpi

Brother ADS-4700W, USB,WLAN, LANADF for 80 Blatt, 1200x1200 dpiBrother Dokumentenscanner ADS4700WRE1..


Brother ADS-4900W,  USB,WLAN, LAN, ADF for 100 Blatt, Touch,1200x1200 dpi

Brother ADS-4900W, USB,WLAN, LANADF for 100 Blatt, Touch,1200x1200 dpiBrother Dokumentenscanner ADS..


Brother document scanner ADS-4500W, USB, WLAN, LAN, ADF for 60 pages, touchscreen

Brother Document Scanner ADS-4500WProfessional document scanner with LAN and WLANScanning speed of u..

CHF399.90 CHF459.00

Brother DS-640, USB, 300 dpi, Stromversorgung über USB-Anschluss

Brother DS-640, USB, 300 dpiStromversorgung über USB-AnschlussBrother Mobiler Dokumentenscanner DS-6..


Brother DS-740, USB, Duplex, 300 dpi, Stromversorgung über USB-Anschluss

Brother DS-740, USB, Duplex, 300 dpiStromversorgung über USB-AnschlussBrother Mobiler Dokumentenscan..


Brother DS-940, USB, Duplex, 300 dpi, with integriertem accu, WLAN, USB

Brother DS-940, USB, Duplex, 300 dpiwith integriertem accu, WLAN, USBBrother Mobiler Dokumentenscann..


Brother Scanner de documents ADS-4300N, capacity ADF 80 pages, LAN

Brother Scanner de documents ADS-4300N, capacity ADF 80 pages, LANConnection options: USB 3.0, LAN (..


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