Raspberry Pi 4 with Software suite Pinger
- Availability: 1
- Product Code: DI PINGER White
- Product viewed: 59
Network Connection Monitoring on Raspberry Pi 4 - pinger software
- Allows monitoring of multiple remote or local IPs or hosts.
- Choice of interface, ethernet or wifi, to be used for each of the hosts to be monitored.
- Ideal for diagnosing local or wired network cuts, thanks to multi-day monitoring 24h / 24h
- Monitoring of computers, servers or other computer equipment
- Alerts with e-mails
- Ping a range of IP
- Scheduler
- New: Port Scanner, Scan for Networked Computers, Open Port Discovery
- New: Speedtest (Latency, Download and Upload speed), regular interval test
- With the Raspberry pi4, 1400 Mhz and LAN interface 10/100/1000 (1 Gigabit/s)
- Wifi type AC (also 5 Ghz)
- Alert by E-Mail, SMS (Dongle Huawei)
News 2020
- Mail Alert if the Pinger is offline (eg power failure)
- Can save multiple configuration on the administration page
- Graphical chart on remote control or web administration page
- Check website accessibility with http/https requests
Price with Debian Buster 10 Lite+ "pinger" software suite installed: 179.90
- Python3 software for Raspberry Pi4, Pi3 or TinkerBoard. Wifi support
- Web interface ◦PI configuration, visualization of results
- Various settings
- Interrogation of protocols over several days
- Remote control for remote access to current statistics and protocols (scan range, ping range, speed test, send report, clear stat, view log, reboot
- Raspberry Pi4 with 16GB Micro SD Card, Debian lite, Universal Power adapter
- Web interface
- Software suite installed and configured,