Scan-Express - scan your invoices - bank interface - 1 user license

  • Availability: 999
  • Product Code: S2P-1ULIC
  • Product viewed: 154

  • CHF159.00

100 documents can be processed for free.


  • Scan invoices and other documents with your printer scanner, document scanner, or photocopier
  • Scanning from PDFs (even if all pages are combined into one PDF)
  • Reading and interpretations of QR codes - Processing to improve image quality
  • OCR text recognition, keyword search, IBAN extraction
  • Recognizes the Swico codes of BVR-QRs (invoice number, date, payment term)
  • Allows you to archive the content of invoices and to search
  • Creation of payment orders ISO 20022 standard and variant for Switzerland (pain.001.001.03.ch.02), XML validation
  • Direct transmission to the bank with EBICS: payment order, confirmation, receipt of CAMT payments, daily statement, account journal
  • Export in accounting
  • Language: French / German / Italian / English
  • Local or Cloud solution (Subscription)
  • Office style menu bar
  • Drag - drop PDFs from Outlook, file explorer or internet

Increased productivity and efficiency

  • By using EBICS, your company no longer needs to open e-banking to make payments or view balances,
  • By exporting the journal of accounting entries, a large part of your accounting is automated
  • You find your documents easily
  • Complete history for each of your creditors (how much did you pay to .. for the current year?)
  • You don't pay the same bill twice

EBICS is free and is provided by the cash-management of you bank

Description on: https://scan-express.ch/

Also available: ERP-Express , Invoicing and accounting (Scan-Express included)